To make the most of this tutorial series, Â create a Serverless Framework PRO account for free
In this video, we're gonna walk through the process of signing up for an AWS account. To start with we go to the URL and when we're there we click on the orange Create an AWS Account button.
On the create an AWS account page, we need to insert some details here to create our account. I'm gonna go ahead and just fill in this form right now. Make sure that your password meets the minimum criteria here. And once completed we just continue.
On the contact information page, we need to decide whether our account is going to be registered to a company or to ourselves personally. If you're just a lone developer busy testing out some features on AWS, choose the personal option as this makes the most sense for you. I'm gonna go ahead and complete these details and continue to the next screen.
On the payment information page, we need to enter in some credit card or debit card information. Don't worry, AWS is not going to charge anything to your account, this is for their own security so that if you do happen to go over certain free tier limits, they will be able to recover the cost. Anything we do will fall well below the AWS free tier for the services we will use. So go ahead and add a credit card here and I will move to the next screen.
AWS needs to confirm our identity and we have a choice between two options. We can either have AWS send us a text message and then we use a verification code or they can even send us a voice call and we will have to speak a number into the phone. I'm gonna pick the text message option as it's the simplest and I'm just gonna add my cell phone number here and also the security check information here.
Once you have chosen to send an SMS, you need to wait for the verification code to arrive on your cell phone and enter the number here and click verify code. Once you verified code, you should be seeing this screen.
And now we pick a support plan and obviously, again, if you are a low developer just trying thing out, pick the free plan. Otherwise, if you are a company looking for some proper support from AWS themselves, you can choose either of the developer or business plans, depending on your needs. I'm just going to select the free option.
And now lastly, I finally want to get into my AWS account and actually start doing things. So I'm gonna click in the Sign in to Console button here and then log into my account with the details I set up previously. Congratulations, you now have an AWS account. All you need to do now is log in and we can start.