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Serverless Full Stack Application on AWS

by Gareth McCumskey

Serverless Framework enables Front End Developers to build full-stack applications without having to manage and operate infrastructure – freeing Developers from the worry of back-end tasks like scaling servers and provisioning capacity and resources.

With serverless Developers are able to:

  • Set up serverless databases in a snap. The Serverless Framework gives Front End Developers full-stack capabilities with zero back end skills required.
  • Scale effortlessly. Automatically scale up or down.
  • Save money with consumption-based billing. Only pay per request.
  • Go to market faster. Don't waste time configuring a Linux Distribution or patching security vulnerabilities.

The Goal of this Course

To expose you to the variety of ways you can use the Serverless Framework, and serverless technologies generally, in your frontend development work.

We will assume a little basic knowledge about the serverless framework and some of the technologies. But the course will also reference other materials to help you work through the entire process.

Learn multiple ways to deploy and configure websites on AWS

  • First, we'll use Serverless Components to quickly set up our website with a Route 53 custom domain, SSL through AWS Certificate Manager, caching and content distribution via CloudFront, and static hosting on Amazon S3 - All in a few lines of configuration.
  • Next, we'll also take a closer look at how you could do this step by step using Serverless Framework plugins, and a more hands-on approach inside the AWS console. This will allow you to see what's really happening behind the scenes in AWS and make a more educated decision about what solutions are best for you.
  • Lastly, we'll learn how to create and integrate basic APIs in our frontend applications and how to add authentication and authorization with Auth0 to our applications.
  • By the end, you'll have a fully functional front-end application that provides logged in and logged out users different experiences and enforces some controls over what those users can do depending on their characteristics.


• Serverless Framework.  

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• Text and source code editor

• Chrome or Safari browser

21 video lessons

Beginner - Intermediate

1 hr 44 min

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