Simply put, events are the things that trigger your functions to run.
If you are using Tencent as your provider, all events
in the service are anything in Tencent Cloud that can trigger an Serverless Cloud Function, like an COS bucket upload, an Cloud Kafka topic, and HTTP endpoints created via API Gateway.
View the events section for a list of supported events
Events belong to each Function and can be found in the events
property in serverless.yml
# 'functions' in serverless.yml
createUser: # Function name
handler: handler.createUser # Reference to file handler.js & exported function 'createUser'
events: # All events associated with this function
- timer:
name: timer
cronExpression: '*/5 * * * *'
enable: true
Events are objects, which can contain event-specific information.
The events
property is an array, because it's possible for functions to be triggered by multiple events, as shown.
You can set multiple Events per Function, as long as that is supported by Tencnet Cloud and doesn't reach the limit.
# 'functions' in serverless.yml
createUser: # Function name
handler: handler.users # Reference to file handler.js & exported function 'users'
events: # All events associated with this function
- apigw:
name: hello_world_apigw1
stageName: release
httpMethod: ANY
- apigw:
name: hello_world_apigw2
stageName: test
httpMethod: PUT
The Serverless Framework supports all of the Serverless Cloud Function events. Instead of listing them here, we've put them in a separate section, since they have a lot of configurations and functionality. Check out the events section for more information.
To deploy or update your Functions, Events and Infrastructure, run serverless deploy