Lets you watch the logs of a specific function deployed in Tencent Cloud.
serverless logs -f hello
# Optionally tail the logs with -t
serverless logs -f hello -t
or -f
The function you want to fetch the logs for. Required--stage
or -s
The stage you want to view the function logs for. If not provided, the plugin will use the default stage listed in serverless.yml
. If that doesn't exist either it'll just fetch the logs from the dev
or -r
The region you want to view the function logs for. If not provided, the plugin will use the default region listed in serverless.yml
. If that doesn't exist either it'll just fetch the logs from the ap-guangzhou
A specific unit in time to start fetching logs from (ie: 2019-7-12 00:00:00
or -t
You can optionally tail the logs and keep listening for new logs in your terminal session by passing this option.--interval
or -i
If you choose to tail the output, you can control the interval at which the framework polls the logs with this option. The default is 1000
ms.Note: There's a small lag between invoking the function and actually having the log event registered in Tencent Cloud Log Service. So it takes a few seconds for the logs to show up right after invoking the function.
serverless logs -f hello
This will fetch the logs from last 10 minutes as startTime was not given.
serverless logs -f hello -t
Serverless will tail the function log output and print new log messages coming in starting from 10 seconds ago.