#Hello World Ruby Example

Make sure serverless is installed.

#1. Create a service

serverless create --template spotinst-ruby --path serviceName serviceName is going to be a new directory there the Ruby template will be loaded. Once the download is complete change into that directory. Next you will need to install the Spotinst Serverless Functions plugin by running npm install in the root directory. You will need to go into the serverless.yml file and add in the environment variable that you want to deploy into.

#2. Deploy

 serverless deploy

#3. Invoke deployed function

serverless invoke --function hello

In your terminal window you should see the response

'{"hello":"from Ruby2.4.1 function"}'

Congrats you have deployed and ran your Hello World function!

#Short Hand Guide

sls is short hand for serverless cli commands

-f is short hand for --function

-t is short hand for --template

-p is short hand for --path

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