#Spotinst Functions - Deploy Function

The sls deploy function command deploys an individual function. This command simply compiles a deployment package with a single function handler. This is a much faster way of deploying changes in code.

#Note: Please update your Environment ID before deploying a function

  1. Create an Environment
  2. Update your serverless.yml file with the Environment ID
service: myService

  name: spotinst
    environment: env-8f451a5f # NOTE: Remember to add the environment ID

    runtime: nodejs4.8
    handler: handler.main
    memory: 128
    timeout: 30
    access: private
#    cron:  # Setup scheduled trigger with cron expression
#    	active: true
#    	value: '* * * * *'
#    environmentVariables: {
#      Key: "Value",
#    }

# extend the framework using plugins listed here:
# https://github.com/serverless/plugins
  - serverless-spotinst-functions


serverless deploy function -f functionName

Note: Because this command is only deploying the function code, function properties such as environment variables and events will not be deployed.


  • --function or -f The name of the function which should be deployed

more options to come soon

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