Here is a list of all available properties in serverless.yml
when the provider is set to openwhisk
# serverless.yml
service: myService
frameworkVersion: '2'
name: openwhisk
runtime: nodejs:default
memory: 256 # Overwrite default memory size. Default is 512.
timeout: 10 # The default is 60
overwrite: true # Can we overwrite deployed functions? default is true
namespace: 'custom' # use custom namespace, defaults to '_'
ignore_certs: true # ignore ssl verification issues - used for local deploys
usersCreate: # A Function
handler: users.create # The file and module for this specific function.
sequence: # Use sequences rather than handler to handle events. handler and sequence properties are mutually exclusive.
- function_a
- function_b
- function_c
memory: 256 # memory size for this specific function.
timeout: 10 # Timeout for this specific function. Overrides the default set above.
runtime: nodejs:6
overwrite: false # Can we overwrite deployed function?
namespace: 'custom' # use custom namespace, defaults to '_'
parameter_name: value
parameter_name: value
events: # The Events that trigger this Function
# This creates an API Gateway HTTP endpoint which can be used to trigger this function. Learn more in "events/apigateway"
- http: METHOD /path/to/url
- trigger: my_trigger # bind function to trigger event
- trigger:
name: my_trigger
rule: rule_name
# The "Resources" your "Functions" use. This can be used to define custom Triggers and Rules which are bound to your Actions.
my_trigger: # trigger with default parameter bound.
hello: world
alarm_trigger: # trigger connected to event feed
hello: world
feed: /whisk.system/alarms/alarm
cron: '*/8 * * * * *'