#Knative Workflow Tips

Quick recommendations and tips for various processes.

#Development Workflow

  1. Write your functions
  2. Use serverless deploy when you've made changes to serverless.yml and in CI/CD systems.
  3. Use serverless invoke -f myFunction to test your functions on Knative.
  4. Write tests to run locally.

#Using stages

  • At the very least, use a dev and prod stage.
  • In larger teams, each member should use a separate Knative installation and their own stage for development.

#Larger Projects

  • Break your application / project into multiple Serverless services.
  • Model your Serverless services around data models or workflows.
  • Keep the functions in your Serverless services to a minimum.

#Cheat Sheet

A handy list of commands to use when developing with the Serverless Framework.

#Create a service:

Creates a new service

serverless create -p [SERVICE NAME] -t knative-docker
#Install a service

This is a convenience method to install a pre-made Serverless service locally by downloading the GitHub repo and unzipping it.

serverless install -u [GITHUB URL OF SERVICE]
#Deploy all

Use this when you have made changes to your functions or events in serverless.yml or you simply want to deploy all changes within your service at the same time.

serverless deploy -s [STAGE NAME]
#Invoke function

Invokes a Knative Serving service returns it's output.

serverless invoke -f [FUNCTION NAME] -s [STAGE NAME] -l

See information about your deployed / undeployed functions by running the info command in your service directory.

serverless info

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