or later.v1.20
or later. You can run
npm install -g serverless
to install it.Create a new service using the Nodejs template, specifying a unique name and an optional path for your service.
# Create a new Serverless Service/Project
$ serverless create --template fn-nodejs --path new-project
# Change into the newly created directory
$ cd new-project
# Install npm dependencies
$ npm install
Use this when you have made changes to your Functions, Events or Resources in serverless.yml
or you simply want to deploy all changes within your Service at the same time.
serverless deploy -v
Use this to quickly upload and overwrite your function code, allowing you to develop faster.
serverless deploy -f hello
Invokes the Function and returns results.
$ serverless invoke --function hello --data '{"name":"Bob"}' -l
Serverless: Calling Function: hello
{ message: 'Hello Bob' }
I show up in the logs name was: Bob
Open up a separate tab in your console and view logs for a specific Function using this command.
serverless logs -f hello
If at any point, you no longer need your service, you can run the following command to remove the Functions, Events and Resources that were created.
serverless remove