#Azure - Invoke

Invokes deployed function. It allows the user to send event data to the function and display the results of the function invocation.

serverless invoke --function functionName


  • --resourceGroup or -g - Specify the resource group name
  • --stage or -s - Specify stage name
  • --region or -r - Specify region name
  • --subscriptionId or -i - Specify subscription ID
  • --config or -c Name of your configuration file, if other than serverless.yml|.yaml|.js|.json.
  • --function or -f The name of the function in your service that you want to invoke. Required.
  • --path or -p The path to a json file with input data to be passed to the invoked function. This path is relative to the root directory of the service.
  • --data or -d Stringified JSON data to be used as input to the function

You can also run invoke local to invoke a locally running function app or invoke apim to invoke a function via the configured APIM endpoint.

#Provided lifecycle events

  • invoke:invoke


# Invoke function directly
serverless invoke --function functionName
# Invoke function running locally
$ serverless invoke local --function functionName
# Invoke function via configured APIM endpoint
$ serverless invoke apim --function functionName

This example will invoke your deployed function on the configured platform endpoint. This will output the result of the invocation in your terminal.

#Function invocation with data

serverless invoke --function functionName --data '{"name": "Bernie"}'

#Function invocation with data passing

serverless invoke --function functionName --path data.json

This example will pass the json data in the data.json file (relative to the root of the service) while invoking the specified/deployed function.

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