#AWS - Rollback

Rollback a service to a specific deployment.

serverless rollback --timestamp timestamp

If timestamp is not specified, Framework will show your existing deployments.


  • --timestamp or -t The deployment you want to rollback to.
  • --verbose or -v Shows any Stack Output.

#Provided lifecycle events

  • rollback:initialize
  • rollback:rollback



At first you want to run serverless deploy list to show your existing deployments. This will provide you with a list of the deployments stored in your S3 bucket. You can then use the timestamp of one of these deployments to set your infrastructure stack to this specific deployment.


$ serverless deploy list
Serverless: Listing deployments:
Serverless: -------------
Serverless: Timestamp: 1476790110568
Serverless: Datetime: 2016-10-18T11:28:30.568Z
Serverless: Files:
Serverless: - compiled-cloudformation-template.json
Serverless: - mail-service.zip
Serverless: -------------
Serverless: Timestamp: 1476889476243
Serverless: Datetime: 2016-10-19T15:04:36.243Z
Serverless: Files:
Serverless: - compiled-cloudformation-template.json
Serverless: - mail-service.zip
Serverless: -------------
Serverless: Timestamp: 1476893957131
Serverless: Datetime: 2016-10-19T16:19:17.131Z
Serverless: Files:
Serverless: - compiled-cloudformation-template.json
Serverless: - mail-service.zip
Serverless: -------------
Serverless: Timestamp: 1476895175540
Serverless: Datetime: 2016-10-19T16:39:35.540Z
Serverless: Files:
Serverless: - compiled-cloudformation-template.json
Serverless: - mail-service.zip
Serverless: -------------
Serverless: Timestamp: 1476993293402
Serverless: Datetime: 2016-10-20T19:54:53.402Z
Serverless: Files:
Serverless: - compiled-cloudformation-template.json
Serverless: - mail-service.zip

$ serverless rollback -t 1476893957131
Serverless: Updating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless: Stack update finished...

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