#AWS - package

The sls package command packages your entire infrastructure into the .serverless directory by default and make it ready for deployment. You can specify another packaging directory by passing the --package option.

serverless package


  • --stage or -s The stage in your service that you want to deploy to.
  • --region or -r The region in that stage that you want to deploy to.
  • --package or -p path to the custom packaging directory you want.


#Packaging without stage and region options

serverless package

This example packages your service while using the default stage (dev) and default region (us-east-1). The generated package would be the default .serverless directory inside your service.

#Packaging with stage and region options

serverless package --stage production --region eu-central-1

This example packages your service while using the production stage in the region eu-central-1. The generated package would be the default .serverless directory inside your service.

#Packaging to a custom path

serverless package --package /path/to/package/directory

This example packages your service using the default stage and region and output the generated package into the custom path you provided at /path/to/package/directory.

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