#AWS - Deploy Function

The sls deploy function command deploys an individual function without AWS CloudFormation. This command simply swaps out the zip file that your CloudFormation stack is pointing toward. This is a much faster way of deploying changes in code.

serverless deploy function -f functionName

Note: This command now deploys both function configuration and code by default. Just as before, this puts your function in an inconsistent state that is out of sync with your CloudFormation stack. Use this for faster development cycles and not production deployments


  • --function or -f The name of the function which should be deployed
  • --stage or -s The stage in your service that you want to deploy to.
  • --region or -r The region in that stage that you want to deploy to.
  • --update-config or -u Pushes ONLY Lambda-level configuration changes e.g. handler, timeout or memorySize


#Deployment without stage and region options

serverless deploy function --function helloWorld

#Deployment with stage and region options

serverless deploy function --function helloWorld --stage dev --region us-east-1

#Deploy only configuration changes

serverless deploy function --function helloWorld --update-config

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