Simply put, events are the things that trigger your functions to run.
If you are using Alibaba Cloud as your provider, all events
in the service are anything in Alibaba Cloud that can trigger your Functions, like HTTP endpoints, OSS events, etc..
View the Alibaba Cloud Function Compute events section for a list of supported events
Upon deployment, the framework will set up the corresponding event configuration your function
should listen to.
Events belong to each Function and can be found in the events
property in serverless.yml
# serverless.yml
first: # Function name
handler: index.http # Reference to file index.js & exported function 'http'
events: # All events associated with this function
path: /foo
method: get
Note: Currently only one event definition per function is supported.
The Serverless Framework supports all of Alibaba Cloud Function Compute events. Instead of listing them here, we've put them in a separate section. Check out the events section for more information.
To deploy or update your Functions and Events run serverless deploy