How to write your first Serverless Component

written by  
  Rupak Ganguly

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The open-source Serverless Components project makes it easy for anyone to author their own application components. We have several previous posts.

But what if you want to try building a brand new reusable component of your own?

In this post, we will cover how to build your very first Serverless Component. Specifically, we'll be making an AWS CloudWatch Metric Alarm component from scratch.

The component will provision and encapsulate functionality for managing a CloudWatch metric alarms. We'll then use this component in an application that tracks AWS billing and sets alarms for estimated charges.

The goal here is two-fold: streamline the complexity of provisioning metric alarms, and provide an intuitive interface via well-defined inputs and outputs that can be reused to build applications and higher-order components.

Ready? Awesome.

What we will cover:

  • Defining the reasoning for the component
  • Defining the configuration
  • Defining the input and output parameters
  • Implementing the component
  • Using the component in an example application
  • Running the application

The CloudWatch Metric Alarm Component

We will build a aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm component to create AWS CloudWatch alarms on metrics based on various conditions that are supported by AWS.

A Serverless Component consists of two files: serverless.yml for configuration and index.js for implementation code.


To start off, let's create a serverless.yml file:

$ mkdir aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm && cd aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm
$ touch serverless.yml

Open the file in your favorite editor.

We will start by specifying some basic metadata about the component, like so:

# serverless.yml

type: aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm
version: 0.1.0
core: 0.2.x

description: "Provision AWS CloudWatch Metric Alarms"
license: Apache-2.0
author: "Serverless, Inc. <> ("
repository: "github:serverless/components"

Let's go over what all of this does. The type attribute identifies the component. This will be used later in our example app to reference the component.

The version attribute is the current version of our component following semantic versioning. The core specifies the release version of Serverless Components we are using. It is helpful to fix a version against which our component has been built and tested.

The next block is quite intuitive and describes some other metadata for the component. Since I will merge this component to the main Serverless Component registry, I have the author and repository attributes set accordingly.

Input Parameters

To create a component that can provide functionality in a flexible manner, Serverless Components has a concept of declaring inputTypes. This defines the spec for the component's input parameters.

When we write our example app that uses this component, the system will validate the user-supplied input parameters against this spec. We will see the validation at work later in the post.

In our case, we will be using the AWS CloudWatch API to create/update alarms, list alarms and delete alarms.

So let's start by defining our inputTypes that match the CloudWatch APIs.

Append the following block to the serverless.yml file:

# serverless.yml

    type: string
    required: true
    description: "The name for the alarm. This name must be unique within the AWS account."
    type: string
    description: "The description for the alarm."
    type: string
    required: true
    description: "The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified statistic and threshold. Valid values are: `GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold` | `GreaterThanThreshold` | `LessThanThreshold` | `LessThanOrEqualToThreshold`"
    type: number
    required: true
    description: "The value against which the specified statistic is compared."
    type: string
    required: true
    description: "The name for the metric associated with the alarm."
    type: string
    required: true
    description: "The namespace for the metric associated with the alarm."
    type: object[]
    required: true
    description: "The dimensions for the metric associated with the alarm."
    type: integer
    required: true
    description: "The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied. Valid values are 10, 30, and any multiple of 60, max: 86400.)"
    type: integer
    required: true
    description: "The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold."
    type: boolean
    description: "Indicates whether actions should be executed during any changes to the alarm state."
    type: string[]
    description: "The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to an `OK` state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN)."
    type: string[]
    description: "The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the `ALARM` state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN)."
    type: string[]
    description: "The actions to execute when this alarm transitions to the `INSUFFICIENT_DATA` state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Name (ARN)."
    type: string
    description: "The statistic for the metric associated with the alarm, other than percentile. Valid values are: `SampleCount` | `Average` | `Sum` | `Minimum` | `Maximum`. Either `statistic` or `extendedStatistic`, but not both."
    type: string
    description: "The percentile statistic for the metric associated with the alarm. Specify a value between p0.0 and p100. Either `statistic` or `extendedStatistic`, but not both."
    type: string
    description: "The unit of measure for the statistic. Valid values are: `Seconds` | `Microseconds` | `Milliseconds` | `Bytes` | `Kilobytes` | `Megabytes` | `Gigabytes` | `Terabytes` | `Bits` | `Kilobits` | `Megabits` | `Gigabits` | `Terabits` | `Percent` | `Count` | `Bytes/Second` | `Kilobytes/Second` | `Megabytes/Second` | `Gigabytes/Second` | `Terabytes/Second` | `Bits/Second` | `Kilobits/Second` | `Megabits/Second` | `Gigabits/Second` | `Terabits/Second` | `Count/Second` | `None`"
    type: int
    description: "The number of datapoints that must be breaching to trigger the alarm."
    type: string
    description: "Sets how this alarm is to handle missing data points. Valid values are: `breaching` | `notBreaching` | `ignore` | `missing`"
    type: string
    description: "Used only for alarms based on percentiles. Valid values are: `evaluate` | `ignore`"

Ya I know, it is quite verbose, but that's how many parameters are in the API.

Output Parameters

Just like inputTypes, Serverless Components also have a concept of declaring outputTypes. This is the spec for the component's outputs that it exposes.

Let's start by defining our outputTypes that match some of the important and relevant outputs from the calls to the CloudWatch APIs.

The outputs that you expose from your component is totally your choice. The point to keep in mind is that the component will be used later to build higher-order components and applications. So choose to expose outputs that will make sense later on. So for example, we expose the alarmArn output parameter, that can be passed into another component to do something with the alarm.

Append the following block to the serverless.yml file:

# serverless.yml

    type: string
    description: "The name for the alarm. This name must be unique within the AWS account."
    type: string
    description: "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm."
    type: string
    description: "The time stamp of the last update to the alarm configuration."
    type: string
    description: "The state value for the alarm."
    type: string
    description: "An explanation for the alarm state, in text format."
    type: string
    description: "The time stamp of the last update to the alarm state."

Notice that we use names for the input and output parameters that match the AWS API. The only subtle difference is that the AWS API uses CamelUpperCase whereas Serverless Components use camelCase. However this small transformation can be easily automated in code.


Notice that the inputTypes and outputTypes have a nice format where it is easy to understand each parameter and is self-documenting. The system will use this information to automatically generate documentation for the README file.

Speaking of which, let's create a file.

For auto-generating documentation for the input/output parameters, paste the following markers into your README file:


# CloudWatch Metric Alarm component

The component encapsulates the functionality to manage provisioning of a CloudWatch Metric Alarm on the AWS cloud.







## Example

The auto-doc generation capability is invoked by running npm run docs from the root of the Serverless Components project folder.

Note: Since our component is outside the Serverless Components project structure, you will have to temporarily copy your component under the registry folder of the Serverless Components project repo, and then run:

$ npm run docs

This will generate the required documentation and place them between the markers we added in the file. Check out the file for the final documentation.


Now that we have defined the input/output interface, let's look at the implementation for our component. Serverless Components lay down a contract for implementing provisioning, listing status and cleanup logic.


The provisioning functionality is implemented via the deploy command while the cleanup functionality is implemented via the remove command. The info command is for listing out resources or output parameters after provisioning.

The underlying system is set to call the info command automatically after the deploy command is executed. When there are higher-order components or applications that are composed of other components, the deploy, info and remove commands are called down the full dependency chain.

Apart from these three commands, a component author can include other commands. These are JS methods that are exported and available to the user as commands from the CLI.

The implementation code will live in the index.js file. Let's create the file in our project folder:

$ touch index.js

Open the file in your favorite editor.

Let's build these three commands for our component.

Provision Alarm

We will add the provisioning logic for the CloudWatch Metric Alarm in the deploy method. In the index.js file, let's create a method named deploy.

Add the following code to the file:

# index.js

const deploy = async (inputs, context) => {
  let outputs = context.state

  if (!context.state.alarmName && inputs.alarmName) {
    context.log(`Creating CloudWatch Metrics Alarm: '${inputs.alarmName}'`)
    await putMetricAlarm(inputs)
    outputs = await describeAlarmsForMetric(inputs)
  context.saveState({ ...inputs, ...outputs })
  return outputs

Let's look at the signature of the deploy method. It takes two parameters, inputs and context. The system packs the input parameters from the serverless.yml and passes them via the inputs parameter. The system packs some other valuable information via the context parameter. We will go over context later in the post.

The above command calls two helper methods: putMetricAlarm(inputs) and describeAlarmsForMetric(inputs). The putMetricAlarm(inputs) method calls the CloudWatch putMetricAlarm API method. It creates or updates an existing metric alarm. This API call does not return any information about the alarm that is provisioned.

Next, the describeAlarmsForMetric(inputs) method calls the CloudWatch describeAlarms API method. This method returns information about the alarm provisioned by the earlier call.

The call to context.saveState({ ...inputs, ...outputs }) saves the output as state. We will look at state management in detail later in the post.

List Alarm

We will add the code for listing the alarm that we just created, in the info method. In the index.js file, create a method named info. Add the following code to the file:

# index.js

const info = async (inputs, context) => {
  if (!context.state.alarmName) return {}

  let outputs = context.state

  outputs = await describeAlarmsForMetric(inputs)
  context.saveState({ ...inputs, ...outputs })

  context.log(`Listing CloudWatch Metrics Alarm for '${context.state.alarmName}'`)
  console.log(`Metric Name: ${context.state.metricName}`)
  console.log(`Namespace: ${context.state.namespace}`)
  console.log(`Alarm Name: ${outputs.alarm.alarmName}`)
  console.log(`Alarm Arn: ${outputs.alarm.alarmArn}`)
  console.log(`Alarm State: ${outputs.alarm.stateValue}`)

  return outputs

The above info command calls the describeAlarmsForMetric(inputs) which in turn calls the describeAlarms API to get information about the alarm that was provisioned in the deploy command.

The data is then written out to the log as output, and printed on the terminal.

Remove Alarm

We will add the code for deleting the alarm that we created, and cleanup any resources, in the remove method. In the index.js file, create a method named remove.

Add the following code to the file:

# index.js

const remove = async (inputs, context) => {
  if (!context.state.alarmName) return {}

  try {
    context.log(`Removing CloudWatch Metrics Alarm: '${context.state.alarmName}'`)
    await deleteAlarm(context.state.alarmName)
  } catch (e) {
    if (!e.message.includes('Invalid Metric Alarm name specified')) {
      throw new Error(e)

  return {}

The remove command calls the deleteAlarm(context.state.alarmName) which in turn calls the CloudWatch deleteAlarms API method, to delete the alarm that was provisioned earlier.

Note: You can view the full index.js file here.


Any method that is exported as a command is sent a context parameter for the method implementing the command. The deploy(), remove() and info() methods are such examples.

The system packs some valuable information via the context parameter, the most important ones being:

  • Data structures: state, options, children and archive
  • Functions: load and saveState

Let's look at each of these one at a time.

State Management

The system allows state management for components. The component author is in control of what gets saved as state.

The command methods can access the data stored in state via the state data structure. The component can look at the state of data and decide to execute different paths in logic. For instance, the deploy method can decide if the component needs to call the 'create' or the 'update' logic.

The saveState method

You will notice that each command calls context.saveState() and optionally passes in some data that gets saved as state for the component. The system saves state for a component in the state.json file. We will look at the state.json file for our application later in the post.

In our component, the deploy command saves the relevant outputs to the state by calling the context.saveState() method.


The CLI allows for passing in any command-line options and passes it in the options data structure, via the context to the command methods. For e.g. the aws-dynamodb component exposes an insert command that takes a few command-line options to insert data into a DynamoDB table.

$ components insert --tablename BlogPost --itemdata '{ "some":"data" }'

Higher-order components or applications can be composed of child components. The context gives access to the child components via the children object. The children object can be used to call commands exposed by the child components.

For example, the retail-app's deploy command accesses the child component aws-dynamodb's insert command to insert seed data.

# index.js

const productsDb = await context.children.productsDb
const insertItem = (triesLeft, wait) => (product) =>
          .insert(productsDb.inputs, {
            log: context.log,
            state: productsDb.state,
            options: {
              itemdata: product

Also, the system automatically figures out the dependency tree for your components' children. It has also built-in safeguards against accidental circular-dependency errors.

You can see how powerful and flexible Serverless Components can be.

The load method

The context also exposes a load method, which allows you to load a component programatically inside another component or an application. For instance, the aws-lambda component's deploy command, loads the child component aws-iam-role programmatically to provision an IAM role.

# index.js

async function deploy(inputs, context) {

  const defaultRoleComponent = await context.load('aws-iam-role', 'defaultRole', {
    name: `${}-execution-role`,
    service: ''

Although the component we created here was all declarative, but you can see how powerful Serverless Components can be considering that a higher-order component or an application can be entirely written programmatically.

Hope this leaves you with enough information to create your own components!

Now that we have written our component, let's use it to build an application.

Note: You can find the full code for the aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm component here.

The Billing Alarm Application

We will use the aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm component we just built to create a serverless application, cw-billing-alarm-app, that will trigger an alarm for AWS Billing based on our configured settings. It will also send us an email when the alarm is triggered.

The application is declaratively composed using the cw-billing-alarm-app component, and has no implementation of its own. Hence, we only have a serverless.yml configuration file to specify the component and its inputs.

File System Components

Serverless Components that are sourced from the main registry, can be referenced by their type name. By default, the component will be loaded from the registry.

To make local development easy, Serverless Components have a feature of specifying a local folder as a value to the type attribute. In that case, the component will be loaded from the file system.

In our application's serverless.yml file, we reference the aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm component from the local folder like so:

# serverless.yml

type: ../../rg-registry/aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm

Based on the inputTypes defined in the aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm component, we will add inputs to the component in our application's serverless.yml file. Let's create a serverless.yml file in the application folder and add the following code to it:

$ mkdir cw-billing-alarm-app && cw-billing-alarm-app
$ touch serverless.yml
# serverless.yml

type: cw-billing-alarm-app
version: 0.0.1

    type: ../../rg-registry/aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm
      alarmName: rg-billing-alarm-${self.serviceId}

The ${self.serviceId} is an unique identifier autogenerated by the system. You can always use your own value, but with this identifier in place you can create as many apps as you want by copying the configuration.

Input/Output Parameter Validation

If you inspect the inputTypes that we defined for our aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm component, you will notice that there are several required input parameters. To safe-guard against non-compliance with the requrements, the system will automatically validate the applications inputs against the spec for the given component.

Notice that we have only included the alarmName parameter under the inputs section. If you run the deploy command you will see the validation in action:

$ components deploy

Type error in component "billingAlarm"
 - Input comparisonOperator has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.
 - Input threshold has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.
 - Input metricName has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.
 - Input namespace has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.
 - Input dimensions has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.
 - Input period has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.
 - Input evaluationPeriods has `undefined` value of "undefined" but expected the following: required true.

Let's quickly fix that by passing in input parameters that will remove the errors. Replace the entries in the serverless.yml file with the following code:

# serverless.yml

type: cw-billing-alarm-app
version: 0.0.1

    type: ../../rg-registry/aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm
      alarmName: rg-billing-alarm-${self.serviceId}
      alarmDescription: 'When Estimated Charges > $20'
      comparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
      threshold: 20.0
      metricName: EstimatedCharges
      namespace: AWS/Billing
        - name: 'Currency'
          value: 'USD'
      period: 28800 # 8 hrs
      evaluationPeriods: 1
      actionsEnabled: true
        - arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxx:NotifyMe
      statistic: Maximum
      treatMissingData: missing

The alarmActions attribute points to a pre-configured SNS topic that points to an email address of your choosing.

Running the Application

To deploy the app, run the following in the terminal:

$ components deploy

Creating CloudWatch Metrics Alarm: 'rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio'
Listing CloudWatch Metrics Alarm for 'rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio'
Metric Name: EstimatedCharges
Namespace: AWS/Billing
Alarm Name: rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio
Alarm Arn: arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxx:alarm:rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio
Alarm State: OK

As expected, the application calls the child components deploy, which in turn provisions the CloudWatch Metric Alarm. Then, it lists the alarms that it just provisioned.

The info command can be run anytime to list the alarms and get information about it. To list the alarms, run the following in the terminal:

$ components info

Listing CloudWatch Metrics Alarm for 'rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio'
Metric Name: EstimatedCharges
Namespace: AWS/Billing
Alarm Name: rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio
Alarm Arn: arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxx:alarm:rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio
Alarm State: OK

You can see the outputs in action. The output parameters are used to print the information about the alarm.

And, finally to clean up and remove all resources provisioned by the deploy command, run the following in the terminal:

$ components remove

Removing CloudWatch Metrics Alarm: 'rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio'

In the deployed state of the application, whenever the AWS Billing estimated charges go beyond the configured amount, you will get an email as configured under the SNS topic.

Application State

We discussed that components manage their own state. Since our application is just a component in itself, it stores it's state in the state.json file, as shown below:

  "$": {
    "serviceId": "43qnfm6uio"
  "cw-billing-alarm-app": {
    "instanceId": "43qnfm6uio-cvkw0qhg"
  "cw-billing-alarm-app:billingAlarm": {
    "type": "aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm",
    "state": {
      "alarmName": "rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio",
      "alarmDescription": "When Estimated Charges > $20",
      "comparisonOperator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
      "threshold": 20,
      "metricName": "EstimatedCharges",
      "namespace": "AWS/Billing",
      "dimensions": [
          "Name": "Currency",
          "Value": "USD"
      "period": 28800,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "actionsEnabled": true,
      "alarmActions": [
      "statistic": "Maximum",
      "treatMissingData": "missing",
      "alarm": {
        "alarmName": "rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio",
        "alarmArn": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxx:alarm:rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio",
        "alarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp": "2018-05-25T19:06:33.562Z",
        "stateValue": "OK",
        "stateReason": "Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint [20.0 (25/05/18 11:06:00)] was not greater than or equal to the threshold (20.0).",
        "stateUpdatedTimestamp": "2018-05-25T19:06:34.141Z"
    "instanceId": "43qnfm6uio-fcvgc9c2",
    "internallyManaged": false,
    "rootPath": "../../rg-registry/aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm",
    "inputs": {
      "alarmName": "rg-billing-alarm-43qnfm6uio",
      "alarmDescription": "When Estimated Charges > $20",
      "comparisonOperator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
      "threshold": 20,
      "metricName": "EstimatedCharges",
      "namespace": "AWS/Billing",
      "dimensions": [
          "Name": "Currency",
          "Value": "USD"
      "period": 28800,
      "evaluationPeriods": 1,
      "actionsEnabled": true,
      "alarmActions": [
      "statistic": "Maximum",
      "treatMissingData": "missing"

You will notice that our application does not have any state of its own, but includes the state of its child component aws-cloudwatch-metric-alarm. If it's relevant for an application to store its own state, it can do so as well.

Note: You can find the full source code for the cw-billing-alarm-app application here.


We created a Serverless component from scratch, defined the spec for it's input and output parameters, and implemented the functionality to create commands that provision, list and cleanup CloudWatch Metric Alarms.

We looked at some of the features that Serverless Components provide to make it easy to develop reusable components, that can be used to create higher-order components or applications, simply by composing other components.

At the end, we built an application that will trigger an alarm for AWS Billing estimated charges based on our configured settings. It will also send us an email when the alarm is triggered.

Hope you enjoyed creating your first Serverless Component and an example application to go with it. If you have any follow-up questions, please hit me via the comments below. And, above all, I would like to hear what cool components and applications you built!

More Serverless Components tutorials


We are continuously adding features to Serverless Components, so be on the lookout for future updates via our newsletter, articles on our log and watch the Github repo. Examples of features are being added on a regular basis.

About Rupak Ganguly

Rupak Ganguly is an Enterprise Advocate at Serverless, Inc.

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npm install serverless -g